Activity ideas

Fold a Jumping Frog: Step-by-Step Video Tutorial

In this video activity, students will learn to fold an origami jumping frog! Origami is the art of folding paper. Through origami, a simple piece of paper takes on different shapes, and can even be transformed into complex figures such as boxes, flowers, animals, and much more. In this activity, you will fold your own jumping tree frog out of paper!

Folding a jumping frog is a great activity to do with students of any age. It’s a great add-on activity to a frog life cycle unit! Folding a frog helps students practice the art form of origami and follow a step-by-step procedure. Students can practice measuring how far the frog can jump. Furthermore, students can modify their frogs to try to make them jump further – a great way of practicing adaptability, problem-solving, and innovation skills central to STEM fields.

Fold an Origami Jumping Frog: Video Tutorial

Origami Frog Materials

To fold your jumping frog, all you need is a piece of paper. You may also use markers, pencils, or any other art supplies of your choice to decorate your finished jumping frog.

Fold a Jumping Frog: Written Step-by-Step Directions

  1. Start with a rectangular piece of paper. If it has a colorful side, place it facing down. 
  2. Fold diagonally so that the top corner meets the opposite edge. Crease then unfold.
  3. Repeat the previous step with the other top corner. Unfold.
  4. Flip the paper over. The creases will form an X.
  5. Fold the top edge down to create another crease through the center of the X.
  6. Unfold, then press in on the new crease to start popping up the paper like a tent.
  7. Flatten the paper by pinching together the top and bottom of the X.
  8. Flip over.
  9. Fold the two triangular flaps toward the top and crease. This will be the frog’s front arms.
  10. Fold both sides into the center line.
  11. Flip over. This will be the frog’s back.
  12. Now begin folding the frog’s springy back legs. Fold approximately the bottom fourth of the paper up over the back.
  13. Flip over. Now fold the bottom the same amount over the front to create a spring.
  14. Flip over your completed frog. Add eyes or decorate your frog.
  15. To get the frog to jump, place the frog on a hard, flat surface. Press down on the back end of the frog, compressing the springy back legs, then quickly release.
Sitting green tree frog watercolor painting
Did you know tree frogs can jump about 50 times their body length?

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